Code: PSLR2
A mobile loading ramp which is easy to maneover to the exit of your kraal eliminating the use of a permanent loading ramp and kraal. It can also be hooked up to the back of an ATV allowing you to store the loading ramp in your shed.
Code: PCT
A crate which allows you to clamp the animal's neck and body and then tilt the animal onto it's side.
The side of the clamp in the air has two doors which allows you to work on the front.
Code: PCPS
This crate allows you to clamp the animal by the neck as well as the body.
The sides of the crate are collapsable and panels near the hooves are the animal are also removable.
Code: CPK18
A mobile hurdle which is used in a crush to allow animals to exit the crush for example, when you don't want your pregnant heffers to pass through the neck clamp.